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Child Find

child find

What is Child Find?

Child Find is how Millington Municipal Schools identify students who may be having problems.  This may include children who are gifted (having high intellectual potential) as well as students who have trouble seeing or hearing, need special education services, or need supports to learn.  Children with special education needs can be found in all types of families.  It is important to find these children and give them the help they need as early as possible.

How does Child Find work?

A screening checks to see if children are developing and learning the way they should be at their age.

The screening will use a variety of tests and observations to find possible problems in the following areas:

  • Hearing
  • Vision
  • Speech
  • Language
  • Thinking skills
  • Moving and using muscles
  • Self help
  • Millington Municipal Schools embraces the Response to Intervention framework as a system for delivering increased levels of support to students by identifying at-risk students, monitoring student progress and providing evidence-based interventions.

    Any child can be screened anytime it is requested by a teacher, parent or concerned individual.  Students enrolled in MMSD participate in universal screening and benchmarks as part of the RTI framework. Each school has a team of professionals who help identify children who may need assistance in the classroom.  This may include students not learning on grade level. It also includes students with high academic achievement, creative thinking and intelligence. 

    Millington Municipal Schools conducts screening sessions for 3 – 5 year olds throughout the year.

  • Based on screening results, students will receive interventions which could include teaching a skill deficit or providing enrichment activities. After collecting data aligned to the impact of provided interventions has been collected over a period of time, the team or any individual can refer a child for a more thorough evaluation. Families must agree before more thorough formal test(s) are done. If more tests are needed, an assessment team, including the parents, will decide what tests need to be given.

  • The evaluation may show the child does not need additional supports provided through an Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan.

    If a child qualifies for special education, 504, or gifted services, an educational plan for meeting the child’s needs is written. The child’s parents are part of the team that decides what services the child needs.

  • All children grow and develop at different rates. A problem in one or two skill areas may not be serious, but it is important to be certain. The sooner the delay in development is discovered, the sooner help can be offered. Screening is the first step in identifying children who may need special services.

  • Contact the Department of Exceptional Children

    Phone: (901) 873-5680